Thursday, 27 March 2014


I finished page 18 of my comic tonight (I know, production has slowed). To celebrate I allowed myself a drawing session of my second favourite Turtle. Well, I don't know, sometimes it's Michelangelo, sometimes it's Raphael! I like Raphael's sass. Just seen the trailer for the new film, but I'm not really impressed. As Tom commented, looks like Transformers with Turtles. Where's the quirkyness? They're goddamn ninja turtles.
Anyway here's the sketch and the coloured version.

Friday, 14 March 2014

Snowstorm on a sunny day

Not really, but that's what I've been doing this afternoon for page 17, YES 17, of my comic. I can only tell you how excited I am to eventually hit 25 and know I'm halfway there. This is only a small couple of panels, but I'm heading out this afternoon so might not get time to finish the whole page.

Tuesday, 11 March 2014


Doodle time! Tried to make the lighting a little interesting. And I love girls with peacock blue hair, it's hawt.

Monday, 10 March 2014

Page 13

I thought I'd show you what I'm working on since I'm not doing many random drawings at the minute. Here's page 13 in progress (of my comic), a section where he's making his way to a person's house in the woods.

Tidy up and fixes will be done on them all once I've finished, but just trying to get the whole thing coloured right now.