Tuesday, 20 March 2012

From the back

I doodled this the other night in a half hour or so, just sort of splodging around and messing with the smudge tool in photoshop.

I need to draw way more than my current rate. Consider myself slapped on the wrist and making an attempt at upping the ante.

Sunday, 11 March 2012

Smudge and slash

After showing the previous painting attempt to a friend he recommend I work faster with less strokes and more blending.

It definitely looks a whole lot better, especially the face. I can't tell you how much I can't wait to just be an ace at drawing faces. I somehow usually manage to flatten the form somehow or just make them look plain odd.

Also I made 'low fat' brownies tonight, although I think the low fat thing is cancelled out if you eat three of them.